At Mecolpress, customer care is a fact. These are the words of the person in charge of after sales service Francesco Minoni that, in this interview, has told us regarding a service projected to the future with a rich archive of historical information, recorded and documented.
“The after sales service is a pride for Mecolpress because is a service born with the company and together with it has grown and developed – says Francesco Minoni, department coordinator from 2012. “Mecolpress is today a completely digitalized organization. It is, by now, an ordinary routine for us to assist the client in real time”.
But to the promptness we can add values as competence and a great availability of material. The first one is guaranteed by Francesco’s employment record, whose career started in Mecolpress through the roles of electrician and then as an installer, with a strong knowledge of the machines the factory produces. Instead, regarding the availability of the materials, the efficient response of Mecolpress lies in the extension of the areas addressed to the stock of pieces which can be required by clients (two dedicated warehouses) and by investments in favor of the stock-keeping.
The physical consistency of available material is matched by a database in which has been transferred, thanks to a specific recovery operation of the history of the company, all the information regarding the installation and the maintenance of each sold machine that today “we can really recall with a simple click”, says Francesco.
At this point we have no alternative but to imagine to be a stalled client. In discomfort, the good news is to know that we can speak to an expert, efficient and, above all, able to act rapidly contact person. “The waiting time, of course, depends on the type of the breakdown. However, we almost always have at disposal, if not the finished piece, the rough piece from which we can generate it. In case of problems with the gearwheel unit, the heart of the machine, if we are not able to supply the finished piece, we have rough and semifinished pieces already in stock”.
Service is a strong point of the company but also an advantage in the relationship with the clients: from the historical ones who know well the wide range of spare parts they can count on, but also for the new clients or for the ones who contact Mecolpress for consultation and replacement of machines of different brands. “For example, during these days, – Francesco adds – we are managing to supply a spare part of a Russian screw press 45 years old”.
Issues are quite a lot, of different types even depending on the material the client is using: “one of our clients, for example, produces professional bows in aluminum. It means 700 mm of aluminum to forge with a huge machine and that is feasible: with a force of 1600 tons the part comes finished as well! But the problem is to, beyond the lubrication, custom-made it. Once it is finished, the aluminum piece has to satisfy aesthetic concerns. It’s completely different for steel, where you have to struggle with the mechanical stress and with function-related issues, with machines used to their limits”.
From the moment in which a fault arises it is communicated, what happens in Mecolpress? Thanks to the documentation scanned and to the material immediately accessible, we can trace in real time the general framework of each press and detect of each accessory. Understanding the nature of the problem is a task of the service department, which finds the right ways to solve it, using the phone, e-mail and live chat, in order to ensure efficiency and speed.
“The service we offer – Mr. Minoni concludes – is very precious because we live in a transaction period, where machines are always developing in the technological way, while the internal resources of the factories don’t always appear aligned to the trends. From one side the average operator is typically low receptive regarding the use of new devices, even because sometimes temporary staff lacks basic communication skills. We believe that training is the idea to follow, and someone does this, as one of our client who after purchasing a press attended at Mecolpress an intensive and very articulated training.
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