Mecolpress is able to choose the right press for you

Why to choose Mecolpress presses?

Mecolpress makes available to its customers quality presses and all its technologic know how. For those who need high performing machineries for hot forging we are a reliable and with a solid experience partner in this field, gained in many years of activity.

Whether it is an entire forging line or a single machinery, Mecolpress can suggest the most performing solution for production and offer a technical support able to face every need.

A first meeting to understand the necessities

When a new potential customer contacts us expressing its need to buy a press, our sales department organizes immediately a first meeting either at customer’s or at our premises in order to show the different machines and their functioning.

During this phase, to us it is of fundamental importance to understand the types of the parts to be forged and which could be the eventual criticalities connected to the single parts in order to be able to propose the most suitable press. In many cases our offers are based directly on the drawings of the parts to be forged that are analyzed by our technical office in great details.

In order to understand which is the best press, our technical office takes advantage of a software that can simulate on the computer the action of the machine. In this way we provide a valid tool for the identification of the machinery that meets the productive needs.

Some customers in addition to the single press require the entire hot forging line and, in this case as well, we can provide all the necessary machineries, and to optimize the production.

Forging tests at Mecolpress

Once the most fitting press for the customer has been identified, even if this is hydraulic or mechanical, we carry out forging tests at our premises. So, the customer can be sure in advance of the final result before starting the production at his premises.

In order to carry out the test, the dies for the realization of the wished parts are mounted on the machine. In case the customer does not have the die, there is the possibility to commission it directly to Mecolpress. Indeed, our company offers a complete service to support the customer during all the productive steps and can also offer this component.

During the many years of activity we have gained high technical skills and we have confronted with different situations. The gained experience has turned us into a partner that can understand the forgers needs, able to propose mechanical or hydraulic press for a specific production type.

How to choose a forging press
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A smart software for productive process analysis

Mecolpress software for forging control

Created by Mecolpress for forging statistic control, Calipso is a software that allows to control the press activities during the entire production cycle, and it is an useful instrument for analyzing the production and for intervening where it is necessary to optimize it.

A smart software for productive process analysis

Having available all data related to the activity of his own press is certainly an advantage for the forger that can analyze the productive process and, if it is necessary, intervene on time to optimize it beyond. That’s the reason why Mecolpress makes available Calipso software to its customers, internally developed by Mecolpress, and able to collect the forging data also thanks to some transducers and sensors installed on the press.

The software can detect till 18 different parameters during each forging cycle for the entire duration of the working shift.

In this way it is possible to control very important data, such as billets temperature or the developed strength by machine every stroke.

Calipso software is installed as standard equipment on the hydraulic presses, while it is possible to have it on request for the mechanical presses. The customer can already see it working at our premises, and once you bought the machine, all the necessary instructions will be given to the operator during the delivery phase to use it.

A sophisticated technology for managing non-conformity

Once that forging data are collected, these are compared to values set up by the user and each cycle it is possible to check if these parameters remain in a narrow tolerance band established by the operator according to the criticality of the part to be forged or to requirements established by the end user.

Regarding the hydraulic press, in case of a strong discrepancy between the wished value and the effective one related to controlled parameters, the produced part is deviated in a separated unloading area so that to carry out further controls.

Therefore, the operator can plan if and when the machine has to stop the production in automatic cycle, establishing after how many ejected parts it has to stop forging.

Matched with the hydraulic presses, Calipso software offers therefore as advantage a better management of non-conformities, with a consequent reduction of machine stop times and facilitating the control operations on the forged parts not compliant with the set-up parameters.

Graphic reports

Mecolpress software allows to create graphic representations of several parameters inside the same diagram. In this way it is possible to have an overview and to understand, for example, how the input strength of the punches presents a variation connected to billet temperature modification, and it is possible to see the trends of both parameters during the productive cycles.

Calipso advantages

Our Calipso software brings numerous advantages, including the possibility to carry out forging tests and to have all the necessary data for analysis in depth before starting with the production of a new part.

Connecting it to customer company network, it allows to file data related to every forging cycle, to have them available and to share them. Moreover, Mecolpress has remotely access to the data and in this way can reduce the intervention times for assistance.

In the end, thanks to Calipso it is possible to reject automatically not-shaped parts and to have available graphic reports of more parameters on the same diagram.

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